My mom used to tell stories about taking all 6 kids to church when my dad was in the bishopric. She used to say sometimes she never even made it into the chapel. I had in my mind that she was exaggerating or embellishing the story, as we're so good at doing in my family. That is, until it happened to me this past Sunday. Apparently she wasn't exaggerating.
I walked into the lobby, and my 2 year old started screaming (not just crying). I thought the tantrum had completed after we got out of the car. I immediately walked to the back steps outside again, and sat with him for a while. My 4 year old really wanted to go to church, so I just sent her ahead into the chapel by herself, thinking maybe we could join her in a few minutes. I guess she went right up to the first row and sat down by herself until her Dad came down and brought her up to the stand to sit with him. The 2 year old finally stopped screaming and we were able to sit in a chair in the lobby, but he was on the edge of breaking down again when I would try to get up and go into the chapel. So, I sat in the armchair for all of church with a 2 year old and a 1 year old on my lap. I never made it into the chapel. Just one of those times when you're not upset; you are more amazed at what is happening and thinking "I never thought this would happen to me." Thanks for enduring, Mom!
2 months ago
It makes me feel good to know that other mothers(families) have their hard weeks at church and live to talk about it. Our hard time was with the twins-their was a time when we started rotating sacrament meetings because the twins would just run laps around the chapel. Good luck with the little ones, "this too shall pass."
ReplyDeleteIf you don't laugh about it you cry. Been there done that.