My kids normally aren't picky eaters. In fact, sometimes I worry that if they eat this much as toddlers, what in the world is my grocery bill going to be like when they're teenagers. Recently, though, several of them (the 4 year old in particular) have been going through a stage of "I hate that". As in, "I hate this food. I'm never going to eat it. If you make me eat it, I'm never going to do what you want again."
I'm not going to cater to them and make them a separate meal. In fact, frequently, when they say they hate a dish, it's one I've never made before but full of things they like, or something I know they've eaten before and liked. I'm pretty confident in my ability to cook well, but it can be a little discouraging when every time you make a meal for your family, the first thing you hear is "Gross. I hate this. I'm not going to eat it." I've told my 4 year old that if he continues to do that, he's going to be in charge of making dinner for the family all by himself. I guess this is one of those areas where you just have to be consistent and continue to not give in and be bullied by your child into giving them what they want, but man, coming at the end of the day, it's not enjoyable.
2 months ago
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